Life in Canada vs New Zealand

by Abbie Chaytor

Fashion, skincare, and Makeup in Canada

Fashion, skincare, and makeup are pretty similar between NZ and Canada, so you can get a lot of the same products over here (other than NZ-made products/small businesses). Personally, I have curly hair so one thing I have to consider is hard water. I’ve had to change up my hair routine and use a good hard water shampoo. The other thing is Alberta is super dry! So I need lots of moisturising hair products and skincare.

TV in Canada

I mostly watch Netflix and Disney over here and back home. Most of the shows are the same but I get a few extras here on Netflix like Breaking Bad which I am watching for the first time (and is so good).

The University of Calgary vs The University of Waikato

Classes are run pretty similarly I have found. Everyone is very involved and is quite interactive in classes with questions. At this level of law, the classes are a similar size here and back home, varying between about 15-50 people enrolled per class. One difference is here they are back to in-person, so you have to go in person and classes aren’t recorded. However, living on campus means going to class is super easy.

One fun thing about the campus that is different from back home is due to the snow a lot (but not all) of the classes and halls connect through tunnels! This is great for cold days because you don’t have to go outside. The photos below were taken from my bedroom, and you can see the snow and pathways that have been snow-ploughed for when you walk above ground.

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